Ulf Meyer
Seoul is a blossoming and booming metropolis with an increasingly vibrant architectural scene. In recent years, South-Korean architecture has received unprecedented international attention. Not only have buildings by Korean architects received worldwide acclaim, there is also a number of projects by foreign architects, that give an international flavour to the architectural scene.
This architecture guide book for South Korea’s capital introduces the most interesting buildings in greater Seoul with photos, short texts and exact data. 200 objects in Seoul and its surrounding (the book covers metropolitan Seoul, a radius of 50 km from the city centre) are recorded. A preface by Gerhard Reifenrath from the French School Seoul gives an overview of the Korean architectural scene over time.
The Architectural Guide Seoul is designed not only for architects and tourists, but anybody interested in the fascinating built environment in Seoul and its sprawling metropolitan area.
english language
224 pages
13,4 x 24,5 cm, Softcover
28 EUR
ISBN 978-3-9810809-2-6
Ulf Meyer
Seoul is a blossoming and booming metropolis with an increasingly vibrant architectural scene. In recent years, South-Korean architecture has received unprecedented international attention. Not only have buildings by Korean architects received worldwide acclaim, there is also a number of projects by foreign architects, that give an international flavour to the architectural scene.
This architecture guide book for South Korea’s capital introduces the most interesting buildings in greater Seoul with photos, short texts and exact data. 200 objects in Seoul and its surrounding (the book covers metropolitan Seoul, a radius of 50 km from the city centre) are recorded. A preface by Gerhard Reifenrath from the French School Seoul gives an overview of the Korean architectural scene over time.
The Architectural Guide Seoul is designed not only for architects and tourists, but anybody interested in the fascinating built environment in Seoul and its sprawling metropolitan area.
english language
224 pages
13,4 x 24,5 cm, Softcover
28 EUR
ISBN 978-3-9810809-2-6